Add this CSS to the
That should target all block quote elements that are inside the a post block that are the first instance of a quote. I haven't properly tested this though so I'm only like 90% sure this will work...
edit: after some quick testing, this should work fine as long as there's only one set of nested quotes in a post. So for example if you've got multiple blocks of nested quotes it'll only target the first instance of nested quotes.
file in your style and edit to suit your needs.Code:
.post blockquote:first-child {background: red;}
edit: after some quick testing, this should work fine as long as there's only one set of nested quotes in a post. So for example if you've got multiple blocks of nested quotes it'll only target the first instance of nested quotes.
Statistics: Posted by danieltj — Mon Nov 11, 2024 11:28 pm